Mother nature has been quite upset with Tokyo since late last night, summoning her wet warriors to descend from the sky, bringing with them torrential downpour. As I awoke at 4am to prepare to hit the tarmac, I realized my riding hopes were dashed thanks to the sound of the assault she convened.
Awoke this morning to a beautiful early Monday with outstanding weather. When the door swiftly shut as I walked through it towards the garage, the temperature was perfectly mild with a slight hint of wind, and minimal humidity.
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Today was never going to be a cycling day after celebratory food and a substantial amount of wine last night. Instead, I decided to do a bit of bike maintenance and swap out the older top tube bag for a newer, sexier, customized one.
It was easy to wake up this morning because even before I hit the sheets last night for a few hours of sleep I was stoked to ride. I quickly hopped outta bed, hella motivated to rock out a nice 50k ride.
4 min readPublic
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