Prior to knocking off for the night I briefly checked the weather report and saw the weather guessers proclamation of very little expectation for rain in the morning. I quickly prepared my electrolyte bottles and then drifted off to sleep, dreaming about cycling.
I awoke this morning at the crack-of-dawn at 4am like usual, scrambling out of bed and anticipating the weather forecast to be wrong. While still wiping the sleep from my weary eyes, I strolled into my office and peered out the window. Will I be allowed to ride today?
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Sunday July Fourth ironically marks the fourth consecutive day of rain in Tokyo, and thus by extension, without a single revolution of Red Chameleon's crank. She, like me, has been sitting indoors anxiously awaiting the very moment we can roll out on the tarmac and get some exercise.
This holiday is not just the standard Independence Day celebration, but also a date honoring my dad's birthday. In particular, 2021 is a milestone for my father, hitting his *eighty* year mark!