Some days when arising from the near dead at 4am it is instantly obvious I am feeling it. Other days, I feel ambivalent. Then there are days like this morning where I was not feeling it. At. All. Although not in the mood, I pushed myself to get out for some stimulating Saturday spinning.
A fresh new day dawns upon, faraway Friday finally flashing into view after a highly hectic work week. Prior to passing out asleep on the couch at 10pm I prepped my electrolytes and overnight oats in anticipation of banging out another 50k along the river.
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Last night was another late work day, with meetings running through 11:30pm. Regardless of the hour I laid my head on the pillow, I was intent to ride in the morning, weather permitting. When I arose from a deep slumber at 4am, the first thing I did was peep outside. Lo and behold, no rain!
Mother Nature has commenced another reign of terror upon Tokyo, unleashing a storm of slippery soldiers creating chaos across the city. She has discharged her disciples, demanding disregard for those who wish to engage in outdoor activity entertainment.
2 min readPublic
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