Friday is finally upon us, and today is a nice break from work thanks to the Juneteenth holiday remembrance. The actual holiday is tomorrow, but today is the celebratory day off from work.
This morning it was not a given I would get to ride because of weather uncertainty. It was raining most of Wednesday, and throughout part of the late night, thus getting out on the tarmac was a gamble. Luckily it turned out the rain had stopped some hours ago, although death was looming above.
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When I hit the sack last night a torrent of water was falling down upon my balcony, but I expected it to let up sometime in the middle of the night. Those hopes were dashed when I awoke at 4:15am only to find the rain had either not stopped, or decided to blanket the city with more terror.
Back in the saddle on Tuesday after taking a recovery day on Monday. Despite having a good nights sleep, even according to my Oura sleep tracker, I unfortunately felt sluggish during the first half of the ride but much better on the return.
What a wet start to the week! Monday morning has been nothing but rain, which was forecast for the previous couple days, so I had planned to take the day off for recovery. After all, I rode five days straight from Wednesday to Sunday, and my body deserves a break!
1 min readPublic
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