Meal log for Sunday July 18, 2021:
- Granola bar.
- 750ml water.
- Cookies and cream doughnut from Starbucks.
- Cold brew coffee from Starbucks.
- Mixed toasted bread topped with butter and homemade orange marmalade.
- Cappuccino made with soy milk.
- Opted for intermittent fasting.

- Fried rice.
- Small mixed salad of lettuce, broccoli, and mini tomatoes, topped with homemade potato and tofu salad.
- Pork shumai.
- Konyaku in soy sauce dashi.
- Small bowl of mixed nuts.
- One glass of red wine.
Aside from the mid-cycling sugar-replenishing cookies-and-cream doughnut, today was a decently nutritious day. While walking the puppies after an early dinner I was craving some ice cream but let the feeling pass. Despite contemplating walking into a convenience store to get some dessert, I opted to forego any additional sweets for the day.