Today I was unable to wake up and get out for a ride, feeling much more tired than normal at 4am. I actually did awake at that early hour, but was still feeling far too sleepy to actually pull myself out of bed.
It felt a bit peculiar riding for a second time in less than twenty-four hours, not really providing any convincing amount of recovery time for my body, but the weather was too comfortable to pass up.
Well look at that! After all the crazy rain the last 36-ish hours, even all through this morning, a sudden turn of events has the sky blasting blue over the western side of Tokyo 23!
The rain was ostensibly supposed to stop sometime around midnight, allowing the pavement to slowly dry over the course of the next few hours. Instead, it turned out to be a nonstop late night of mother nature emptying her tear ducts over Tokyo.
As expected, the weather reports were surprisingly accurate, with Saturday turning into nothing but soggy sadness. The rain has been non-stop since around 4am this morning, thus there will be no riding at any point today.
2 min readPublic
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